CD Genomics provides a battery of biofluid profiling services utilizing next-generation sequencing technology. Our services can complement mainstream sequencing methods to investigate the levels of RNA molecules in biofluid samples, explore poorly characterized, rare transcripts and mutations. Cell-free RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) is a tool that extracts, processes, and analyzes cell-free RNA. We have developed a complete, automated workflow for performing cell-free RNA-seq. Our services are fully customizable to your research needs.	cell free rna seq

cell free rna seq

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CD Genomics provides a battery of biofluid profiling services utilizing next-generation sequencing technology. Our services can complement mainstream sequencing methods to investigate the levels of RNA molecules in biofluid samples, explore poorly characterized, rare transcripts and mutations. Cell-free RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) is a tool that extracts, processes, and analyzes cell-free RNA. We have developed a complete, automated workflow for performing cell-free RNA-seq. Our services are fully customizable to your research needs. cell free rna seq

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